



comboSensor platform

potentiostat/galvanostat, impedance spectrometry

and ultrasound


Detection of presence and measurement of gas concentration.Preventive corrosion monitoring

Environmental measurements ( quality of water, food, air )


Blood glucose level

Impedance spectrometry:

Predictive coating integrity measurements

Environmental measurements ( quality of water, food, air )

Bio-impedance measurements ( body fat, respiration, blood flow )

Blood dielectric properties for plasma analysis


Fluid identification/concentration measurements

Fluid level and flow measurements

Distance and proximity measurements

Wireless data transfer (GSM,WiFi,SigFox,LoRA) as well as geolocalisation is available through apropriate

Plug-in modules (also custom on request)

It's always possible to reconfigure the available I/O for other sensor application on request ( capacitive proximity, touch, temperature, vibration, etc)


This 250W solar micro inverter is a highly flexible power supply solution especially developed for local or mobile applications capable of working on-grid or off-grid with an input from solar panel or a dc power source. Up to four micro inverters can be connected in parallel for increased output power.

All these operating modes can be set through a dip switch present on the PCB. The available

operating modes are:

On-grid with MPPT

On-grid without MPPT (external dc power source)

Off-grid master

Off-grid slave (for off-grid parallel master-slave connection)

Communication with the micro inverter is possible with a serial RS485 data link using standard

modbus protocol. Optionally a power line communication or wireless communication interface can be implemented instead of the RS485 if required.

Visual feedback of system settings and operating state is available on 5 LED indicators present on

the PCB or connected to the micro inverter externally through a dedicated connector.

A dedicated connector is also present on the PCB which supplies the necessary feedback signals in case of parallel connection of the micro inverters.